Thursday 26 July 2012

Top Amazing Facts about the London Olympic in Number.

Let’s look at Arithmetic composition of the London Games, It’s trivia, Funny but Factual.
Enjoy the Trip
Olympic Facts in Numbers/London 2012

1.         40 billion global audiences are expected to watch the opening ceremony.
2.         10 billion dollars was spent to host the London 2012 Olympics.
3.         10 billion pounds is expected revenue to be generated by the British ceremony.
4.         The London ceremony is expected to grow by 80 billion dollars by 2015.
5.         18 million meals in form of food and beverages are expected to be consumed daily.
6.         8 million tickets are to be for the Olympics and 1.6 million tickets for the Paralympics making a total of 9.6 million tickets.
7.         500,000 spectators are expected per day
8.         350,000 foreign visitors are expected per day
9.         200, 00 total workforce work on the games village.
10.       135,000 hotel rooms are available within 50km of the Olympic park.
11.       80,000 seats is awaiting the fans at the Olympic park.
12.       20,000 press/media will be in attendance.
13.       9000 planned park and ride spaces to be available at Ebbs fleet where spectators traveling by Euroster.
14.       The Olympic touch has 8000 cut out circles, representing the 8000 people that carried round the U.K.
15.       5, 250 people have been working on the Olympic park.
16.       3,600 is the number of apartment the games village will be built from the games village.
17.       1,200 new jobs to be generated at the Olympic park.
18.       205 buildings had to be demolished at the 2.5sq km Olympic park.
19.       70 organizations sponsor the London 2012 Olympics.
20.       31 competition venues will be utilized.
21.       26 Olympic sports will be played.
22.       19 Paralympics sports will be played.
23.       This year marked the 60th anniversary of the Paralympics, 1948 is the first time the Paralympics and it took place in London.
24.       3 is the number of sides the Olympic torch have representing the 3 Olympic values of Respect, Excellence and Friendship. And the 3 words of the Olympic motto-Faster, Higher and Stronger so also the 3 vision of the London games of sports of Sports, Education and Culture.
25.       1908, 1948, and 2012 makes London to have hosted the Olympic 3 times.
26.       1kg is the weight of the Olympic torch and it is 800metres high.

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